शुक्रवार, 6 सितंबर 2013

teacher day...


(President of IndiaSarvepalli Radhakrishnan  5 September 1888 – 17 April 1975) was an Indian philosopher and statesman who was the first Vice President of India (1952–1962) and the second  from 1962 to 1967.One of India's most influential scholars of comparative religion and philosophy, Radhakrishnan built a bridge between the East and the West by showing how the philosophical systems of each tradition are comprehensible within the terms of the other. He wrote authoritative exegeses of India's religious and philosophical literature for the English-speaking world. His academic appointments included the King George V Chair of Mental and Moral Science at the University of Calcutta (1921–1932) and Spalding Professor of Eastern Religion and Ethics at Oxford University (1936–1952).)

"when I was doing wrong you were there to tell me what was right,
"when I felt weak you became my strength,
"when I cried you made me happy,
"whenever I lost ma hope you became my confident,
"whenever I found myself in dark you enlighten my way." 
"you were my and you will be my parents as I got a lot from you." 
wishing all my teachers of school & college and to all of you ....

 A very happy teachers day.

                               A best essay in teacher day
Teachers' Day is a national function, celebrated only in India. It is held on September 5th of every year which is also the birthday of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, one of Our former Presidents. Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan was an ideal teacher. It was decided to celebrate his birthday as Teachers' Day to honour that noble profession.
The main idea is to draw the attention of the society towards this profession. No other profession, either medical or legal, have a day meant to celebrate and honour the best among them. It is a unique honour awarded to the teaching profession in our country.
On that day nearly a hundred teachers selected from primary, upper primary and secondary schools, oriental schools and colleges are invited by the President of India and honoured by giving a certificate of recognition along with some cash prize. The award given by the President is called the National Award for Teachers, which is a great honour to the humble teachers. Selection for these awards is made on the basis of many considerations-teachers' personal character and conduct, his professional competence, his sociability, the results he produced, the contribution he made to the profession as a writer, and as a researcher in education., the popularity he enjoys in public, his efforts to eradicate illiteracy, public support he got to build infrastructure for his institution etc. The part he plays in extracurricular activities is also taken into account. So it is not easy to get a national award. Only ideal and worthy teachers can get it.

Besides National awards, State awards and awards by National Foundation for Teachers are also given. In some districts, district level awards are also given to encourage ideal teachers. Giving an award is a good incentive.
Of late the awards given by government have become mechanical. The original idea of involving the society at large, to recognise this noble profession is missing. Many functions are being arranged by teachers to honour their fellow teachers. The parents are not showing the expected interest. It was true that a teacher enjoyed a place of honour after the mother and father and was only next to them, in our ancient society.
Many changes have taken place. A teacher is no longer a selfless Guru. He is a paid employee, just like any other worker in an office or factory. With this social concept, it is difficult to expect society to honour the teachers. But even now there are teachers who are respected and loved for their selfless service, spotless character and unbiased love and affection they show to all their students. All such teachers may not get awards. The social respect they command is itself an award. As Dr. S. Radhakrishnan had himself said, teaching is its own reward. The satisfaction it gives the teacher is not comparable. A good teacher is always remembered by the student wherever he is.


Taare Zameen Par. give a very dynamic example about capacity of teacher .. what he can do. what hi can make a person....
(Taare Zameen Par has received numerous awards, including the Filmfare Best Film Award for 2008 and the 2008 National Film Award for Best Film on Family Welfare. It was India's official entry for the 2009 Academy Awards Best Foreign Film, and the film's failure to progress to the nominations short list sparked a debate about why no Indian film has ever won an Oscar. Media outlets made comparisons between Taare Zameen Par and the British drama Slumdog Millionaire, which won several Oscars that same year.)

(Ishaan Nandkishore Awasthi (Darsheel Safary) is an eight-year-old boy who dislikes school and fails every test or exam. He finds all subjects difficult, and is belittled by his teachers and classmates. But Ishaan's internal world is rich with wonders that he is unable to convey to others, magical lands filled with colour and animated animals. He is an artist whose talent is unrecognised.
Ishaan's father, Nandkishore Awasthi (Vipin Sharma), is a successful executive who expects his children to excel. His mother, housewife Maya Awasthi (Tisca Chopra), is frustrated by her inability to educate her son. Ishaan's elder brother, Yohaan (Sachet Engineer), is an exemplary scholar and athlete, which Ishaan is frequently reminded of.
After receiving a particularly poor academic report, Ishaan's parents send him to a boarding school. There he sinks into a state of fear and depression, despite being befriended by Rajan (Tanay Chheda), physically disabled and one of the top students in his class. Ishaan's situation changes when a new art teacher, Ram Shankar Nikumbh (Aamir Khan), joins the school's faculty. An instructor at the Tulips School for young children with developmental disabilities, Nikumbh's teaching style is markedly different from that of his strict predecessor, and he quickly observes that Ishaan is unhappy and contributes little to class activities. He reviews Ishaan's work and concludes that his academic shortcomings are indicative ofdyslexia. On his day off, Nikumbh visits Ishaan's parents and asks if he can see more of their son's work. He is stunned by the sophistication of one of Ishaan's paintings, and tells his parents that Ishaan is a bright child who processes information differently from other children in his class, but Ishaan's father is suspicious that the explanation is simply an excuse for his son's poor performance. Nikumbh demands that he read some Japanese text on a box and berates him when he cannot, giving him a glimpse into Ishaan's experience of school. Nikumbh describes dyslexia to them and explains that it is not a sign of low intelligence. He tells them he can provide extra tutoring that will help Ishaan, highlighting the boy's artistic ability evident in his many paintings and other creative works.
Nikumbh subsequently brings up the topic of dyslexia in class, and offers a list of famous people who are considered dyslexic. As the students are leaving the classroom, Nikumbh asks Ishaan to remain behind and reveals to him that he too experienced the same difficulties with dyslexia. Nikumbh then visits the school's principal and obtains his permission to become Ishaan's tutor. He attempts to improve Ishaan's reading and writing by using remedial techniques developed by dyslexia specialists; Ishaan soon develops an interest in language and mathematics, and his grades improve.
Towards the end of the school year Nikumbh organises an art fair for the staff and students. The competition is judged by artist Lalita Lajmi. Ishaan, with his strikingly creative style, is declared the winner and Nikumbh, who paints Ishaan's portrait, the runner-up. The principal announces that Nikumbh has been hired as the school's permanent art teacher. When Ishaan's parents meet his teachers on the last day of school they are left speechless by the transformation they see in him. Overcome with emotion, Ishaan's father thanks Nikumbh. As Ishaan is getting into the car to leave with his parents, he turns around and runs toward Nikumbh. The film ends with a freeze frame shot of Nikumbh tossing Ishaan into the air.)
BY--nitesh pradhan

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