मंगलवार, 10 सितंबर 2013

life is nothing for me.........

Every body tells me nothing is stable and every things is mortal nothing is imperishable, but i know one
     thing  about me which in immortal..

When i told from my mother and father ,
     my bro and frnd. they laughed on me....

But it is my believe about me.because
      i know one thing..that is..

If in this real world i m a person then . and i keep a special place then...it is my myth.only for me 

  "  My ego and my attitude is always my. nobody can change my opinion , nobody can  
            change my attitude, and i never drop my ego for any one.at any cause.. because
            its represent me, myself and it's give me moral support. i cal tell to every one  to
             every were till the last day of my life, till the last breath my ego and attitude is 
            immortal for me" 

Nitesh Pradhan

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