गुरुवार, 12 सितंबर 2013


  • You are terrifying and strange and beautiful, something not everyone knows how to love.

  • Date a girll who travels. Date a girl who would rather save up for out of town trips or day trips than buy new shoes or clothes. She may not look like a fashion plate, but behind that tanned and freckled face from all the days out in the sun, lies a mind than can take you places and an open heart that will take your for what you are, not for what you can be

  • She’s the kind of girl a guy meets when he’s too young, and he fucks up because there’s too much living to do. But later he realizes she’s perfect.

  • Life is so full of unpredictable beauty and strange surprises. Sometimes the beauty is too much for me to handle. Do you know that feeling? When something is just too beautiful? When someone says something or writes something or plays something that moves you to the point of tears, maybe even changes you

  • A person who has good thoughts cannot ever be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a crooked mouth and a double chin and stick out teeth,but if you have good thoughts,they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.

  • I love her and that's the beginning and end of everything."     .....F. Scott Fitzgerald

  • I crush her against me. I want to be part of her. Not just inside her but all around her. I want our rib cages to crack open and our hearts to migrate and merge. I want our cells to braid together like living thread."

  • I think she was afraid to love sometimes. I think it scared her. She was the type to like things that are concrete, like the ocean. Something you could point to and know what it was…And I think that’s why she struggled with love. She couldn’t touch it. She couldn’t hold on to it and make sure it never changed.

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