गुरुवार, 19 सितंबर 2013

listen to me my love

what shall i do for these tears?    

what shall i do for these tears?
which keep flowing like water  ,flow.....
what shall i do for the broken heart?
what shall i do for the broken heart?
which bear all ur pain,..bears....
listen to me my love. i m a like a broken star.. like a broken star..
what shell i do for these innocent breath .
which chant ur name all the time., chant
my beloved my beloved ...

the sky and star and the breeze of the witness of our meeting
they all the witness my love for u.
listen to me my love. i m a like a broken star.. like a broken star..
what shall i do of these lips?
what shall i do of these lips?
which talk about u... talk about u....
my beloved my beloved ...

 she is not with me but i still love her...

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