सोमवार, 16 सितंबर 2013


(after 2 year when we meet..)
ishq- hay?
me- hiii..
ishq- how  r u.(in emotional sound)
me- with out heartbeat life is what u know better then me..i was Breathless .
ishq- hummm...Breathless ....(tears roll down)
me- hay ..?why ur crying , i m with u..
ishq- listen.
me -what.  

ishq--Thank everyone for ur wishes.. i cnt reply to each mesages bt here i can say thank you so much for all ur wishes for me....really i love u..:-);-)
me- don't say any world . only love me. it is time for enjoy. 
ishq- ur always a moral support for me.
      how u can do it?    

me- is only because of love.
ishq -i love u.
me (vivek muskan)- i love u to.

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